The Accessible Bergen op Zoom Foundation was established in May 2019. Many groups and individual experts by experience who have to deal with specific accessibility requirements have joined. The foundation arose from the need to bundle knowledge, experience and interests.
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Principles of the UN convention on disability WHO Age-Friendly cities
The foundation's goals are based on the UN Disability Convention and the World Health Organization's Age-Friendly Cities.
Motto: Everyone participates!
Greater awareness, more attention and small adjustments make all the difference. Everyone can participate in social life. We can realize that together.
The foundation focuses on accessibility for people with disabilities. After all, this also optimizes accessibility for others.
Reachability and accessibility
Accessible Bergen op Zoom is committed to accessibility and accessibility for all people. This is not just about a safe and accessible public space. Accessibility of public buildings, shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes is also part of this.
In addition, accessibility of information is an important point of attention, especially for people with reading disabilities.
Increase awareness
Policy makers, policy makers and residents of our municipality do not always realize what it takes to allow people with disabilities to be as independent as possible. Increased awareness has a positive influence on people's behavior and actions.
The foundation wants to achieve its goals in collaboration with the municipality, entrepreneurs and all residents of the municipality. To this end, it actively follows the inclusion agenda of the municipality, (re)design processes of public space and policy developments related to accessibility.
Accessibility Week
Every year, the foundation draws attention to people with disabilities by organizing a number of activities during the Week of Accessibility. During that week, Accessible Bergen op Zoom will hand out “OQ are welcome” stickers, among other things. In addition, there are activities aimed at increasing awareness. “Dialogue in the Dark” is an example of this.
Every year the foundation has several projects aimed at improving accessibility. The inspection of shops and catering establishments or of a street or square is an example of this.
Shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and public buildings can qualify for an accessibility certificate from us, the so-called OQ are welcome sticker. If you also want that sticker for your company, mail ( or telephone us (06-11253723). We will then come and inspect your company for accessibility.
Think along or cooperate?
The ideas and activities of the foundation are not only aimed at ensuring that everyone can participate in our society, but also that people participate in making this happen. If you would like to contribute ideas or cooperate, mail ( or telephone us (06-11253723).
The following organizations work together within the Accessible Bergen op Zoom Foundation:
Do you or your organization also want to join? Of course you can! Sign up at: