Shadow report UN treaty Handicap

How is the UN Handicap Convention doing in practice? The UN Disability Agreement Alliance published an extensive report on this on 3 December 2019. The report is based on the experiences of many people with disabilities.


Many people with disabilities do not yet notice in their lives that the UN Handicap Convention has been introduced. It's not working. There are many good intentions, but too little concrete action is taken. Many people with disabilities feel not heard, not involved and still feel discriminated against. It sometimes gets even worse: unemployment is rising, poverty is rising, children cannot go to school, there are more forced treatments and admissions, and there is a shortage of affordable (adapted) housing. Many policy makers and civil servants do not yet understand: Participation in society is a human right (and not a favour). The decentralization of government tasks to the municipalities (2015) was also a significant cutback. There is still a lot of uncertainty. People don't know where to go for help, advice or support. Most municipalities have not yet completed their plan (the local inclusion agenda). This is an obligation. Society must become more accessible. But there is no clear definition of what 'accessibility' is. Accessibility of buildings and homes, public transport, information and communication is still far from being properly arranged.Experience experts and their organizations are not yet sufficiently involved in making plans, policy and concrete implementation. Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius are part of the Netherlands. Implement the UN Handicap Convention there too. The actions of the government (aimed at the implementation of the UN Handicap Convention) are vague and have not been worked out in concrete terms. The government itself also collects too little information. As a result, there is only a lack of overview. The government doesn't know where things are going well and what's not. There is a great need for clear rules, agreements and laws. But also to checks and enforcement


The UN Disability Agreement Alliance consists of: Elke(in), MIND Landelijk Platform GGz, Per Saldo and LFB and works closely with the Coalition for Inclusion. Together they stand up for the interests of people with disabilities.
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